Bexar County Commissioners approve $100 million in funding for new rapid line from VIA
SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — Getting from one side of San Antonio to the other will be a bit faster in the near future now that Bexar County Commissioners have approved funding for a rapid transit line.
FOX 29 reports the Silver Line, which will connect the East and West Side, is going to run between Our Lady of the Lake University and the Frost Bank Center.
The rapid transit line will involve buses operating in dedicated existing lanes.
The project has a price tag of nearly $290 million and Bexar County Commissioners have approved using existing funds of $100 million to get the service up and running.
The money reportedly comes from sales tax that has been set aside for transportation projects since 2004.
Using the tax money is necessary in order to get the matching federal funds of $147 million.
VIA will contribute the remaining money, about $42 million which also comes from sales taxes.
The Silver Line will begin service in 2029.