Candidate for county commissioner draws attention with “WTF” campaign signs
SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – A campaign sign addressing traffic on 281 is “nucking futs.”
Judy Stuller is one of 8 Republican candidates for County Commissioner Precinct 3, but her campaign signs probably are getting the most attention.
One of them reads, “WTF with water rates and property taxes???” Stuller says that’s what people are saying when they open their property tax and and San Antonio Water System water bills.
“I didn’t want to spell out any words that children could read,” she says on her Facebook page.
The sign also asks,”Who can fix it? Judy, Judy, Judy.”
Another sign you may have seen along 281 says,”This traffic is nucking futs!”
“That’s just a nice way of saying what you really think when you’re going five miles and it takes you 2 1/2 hours. It’s absurd–IH 10, 281, all of the corridors.”
The local entrepeneur is running against former judge Tom Rickhoff, public relations consultant Trish DeBerry, former judge Celeste Brown, bank executive Kenny Vallespin, businessman Weston Martinez, John (The Marine) Casares, and Marketing Coordinator Ellen Pfeiffer.
With a race this crowded, you can expect a runoff. The eventual winner will face the top vote-getter among three Democratic candidates in the contest for county commissioner precinct 3–Ismael Reyes, Alfonso Perez and Christine Hortick.
All are vying to take over the seat being vacated by Commissioner Kevin Wolff, who’s retiring.
Friday is the last day of early voting in the March 3rd Texas Primary.