San Antonio city council approves mobile showers for the homeless
SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – The San Antonio City Council has approved a three-stall mobile shower unit for homeless people. The vote was 10 to 1 to spend nearly $59,000 for the shower unit which will be available at Christian Assistance Ministry.
Downtown City Councilman Roberto Treviño pushed the proposal, saying there’s a need for “dignified solutions, like providing the opportunity to take care of basic human necessities and cleanliness.”
Treviño said he hopes the city will buy more mobile showers and deploy them where they’re needed.
“It’s an act of compassion to be able to provide this,” said Councilwoman Ana Sandoval.
Clayton Perry was the only councilman to vote against the mobile shower unit.
“My chief of staff came up here and said ,’Man, you’re going to look like a meanie,’ but I don’t see it that way,” said Perry at Thursday’s city council meeting.
Perry said other cities have done this, but non-profit agencies fund the mobile showers, not taxpayers. He added that there are too many questions about the mobile shower unit approved by his colleagues.
“Who’s going to operate it? Who’s going to maintain it? Who’s going to move it around to these places?” Perry asked.
The mobile shower unit is scheduled to arrive in San Antonio in April and the plan is to use it at Christian Assistance Ministry on McCullough and move it around to homeless encampments. It can also be used in emergencies.