Officials explain why no citations were issued to curfew protesters at the Alamo

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – Several protesters who gathered at the Alamo last weekend in violation of the 10 pm to 5 a.m. curfew for social gatherings dared the city to issue citations.  Police were in plain view and well within earshot, but no tickets were issued.

“I think the police , you know, had to use good common sense,” said Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff. “You didn’t want to make a martyr out of somebody by trying to go over and tackle them down and give them a ticket when they were exercising their free speech, so it’s a difficult situation.”

Mayor Ron Nirenberg says the curfew was aimed at preventing social gatherings with people outside one’s household during the long Thanksgiving weekend in order to curtail the spread of coronavirus. He maintains it was effective, but he doesn’t expect to implement another curfew during the Christmas holidays.

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