Cuellar recognized as one of the Most Bipartisan Members in the 116th Congress
SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — Congressman Henry Cuellar is being called one of the “Most Bipartisan Members in the 116th Congress”.
A new report by Quorum Analytics looked into legislative data and social media activity to come up with the results.
Cuellar, a Democrat who represents Texas’ 28th District cosponsored 38% of the bills that were originated by Republicans in Congress.
He says it is not his job to “find a Democratic solution or a Republican solution” but to find the right solution to the nation’s problems.
“The American people do not want more partisanship and gridlock. The American people want Congress to collaborate and solve the problems that they are facing every day. We are strongest as a nation when members of Congress work together.”
Among the bills Cuellar introduced or signed on as the lead Democrat co-sponsor:
- H.R. 951: United States-Mexico Tourism Improvement Act
- H.R. 2335: Border Patrol Pay Security Act
- H.R. 132: North American Development Bank Improvement Act
- H.R. 133: United States- Mexico Economic Partnership Act
- H.R. 3763: Promoting United States International leadership in 5G Act
- H.R. 4187: Domestic Terrorism Penalties Act
- H.R. 3828: Launching Energy Advancement and Development through Innovations for Natural Gas Act
- H.R. 2615: United States-Northern Triangle Enhanced Engagement Act
- H.R. 216: Main Street Tax Certainty Act