Ex-Texas Rep. Farenthold quits lucrative port lobbying job
VICTORIA, Texas (AP) — A former Texas congressman who resigned last year amid sexual harassment allegations has quit his $160,000-a-year lobbyist position for a port authority.
The Victoria Advocate reports that the Calhoun Port Authority announced former Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold’s resignation Thursday. The port’s board declined to comment further.
Farenthold’s resignation letter says he left the lucrative position lobbying for a port in his ex-district “to pursue other interests and opportunities.”
Farenthold started representing the port authority last May, just weeks after he abruptly resigned from Congress following bipartisan pressure over his use of public funds to settle a sexual harassment complaint.
The newspaper’s investigation in August raised questions about the former congressman’s lobbying post after finding Farenthold had allegedly tried to steer a federal contract to port chairman Randy Boyd’s company.