Firm hired to lead search for Bexar County Elections Administrator

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — Now that the 2024 election is behind us, the next order of business in Bexar County is to find a new Elections Administrator.

Current Bexar County Elections Administrator Jacque Callanen announced earlier this year that she is retiring effective January of 2025.

To assist in the search for her replacement, Bexar County has hired Robert Half Executive Search.

Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai announced the hire late last week.

In a press release, Sakai says the search is expected to be completed in 90 days.

Robert Half will forward their recommendations to the the Bexar County Elections Commission, which will then evaluate the candidates and eventually choose a successor to Callanen.

The Commission consists of:

Judge Sakai

Bexar County Clerk Lucy Adame-Clark,

Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collector Albert Uresti,

Bexar County Republican Party Chair Kris Coons

Bexar County Democratic Party Chair Monica Alcantara.

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