Hispanic journalist group returns conference sponsorship money to Fox News
SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – The National Association of Hispanic Journalists “Excellence in Journalism Conference” will be held in San Antonio next month.
But the sponsor of the event is getting their money back.
Association President Hugo Balta says Fox News was supposed to sponsor the event and the $17,000 the network put up will be returned. He says it’s because of “incendiary comments from the network’s commentators”.
Balta cites Fox Radio host Todd Starnes and others who he says have repeatedly used prejudiced language toward immigrants.
He adds to accept their financial support “risks the integrity and credibility of NAHJ’s 35-year mission.”
You can read his full statement here.
Vice president of diversity and inclusion at Fox News Marsheila Hayes says NAHJ’s decision was unfortunate and Fox News is “proud of our inclusive team and their achievements in journalism.”
The “Excellence in Journalism Conference” is scheduled for September 5th through the 7th at the Grand Hyatt on East Market Street.