Markley, van Camp and Robbins | May 5, 2021
MVC&R won’t be going to summer camp this year, but not because the CDC wants kids to mask up, even while outside. President Joe Biden introduces the government’s solution for vaccine dispersal, so be sure go visit Vaccine.GUM. (MVC&R are not responsible for search results, you can blame Uncle Joe.) Former President Donald Trump launched his own blog, and BLM is putting pressure on Facebook to keep him banned. Armed BLM protesters showed up to a Louisville restaurant, and an armed patron literally took a stand, and Anderson Cooper is the lowest-rated “Jeopardy!” guest host, so far. Dr. Anthony Fauci places the pandemic in the “bottom of the sixth,” and Peloton issues a recall for all its treadmills. According to the FAA, passengers are starting to get unruly, and elderly tourists on a sightseeing tour are taken to a cemetery, for a sales pitch.