Multi-million dollar fund would help San Antonio families hurt by  pandemic

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – The San Antonio City Council Thursday will vote on a multi-million-dollar fund to assist families affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Council is considering increasing the Risk Mitigation Fund to $15.8 million with Community Development Block Grant money to help local families cover their rent, groceries, utilities and other expenses.  But some area residents would not be eligible for federal funds, which require recipients to have a social security number, so the Council will vote on whether to add $10 million in local money to the Risk Mitigation Fund to help those who were ineligible for the federal stimulus checks.

“Additional dollars, which are local dollars, would allow us to reach people who are ineligible or undocumented, and would not be covered by the federal stimulus,” Mayor Ron Nirenberg said during the COVID-19 briefing Wednesday evening. “A portion of dollars in the assistance fund from the $15.8 million is federal dollars, which would require additional paperwork, but we’re adding local dollars, which wouldn’t require that.”

Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff said the county also has a rent assistance program.

“We’re not asking whether they’re a citizen or not. If they’re renting and they have a place there and they’re undocumented, they’re still going to get the help,” said Wolff.






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