Multnomah County Once Again Takes Things A Bridge Too Far Against Public Opinion
September 4, 2024 10:00AM CDT
You might think when the region spends almost a billion taxpayer bucks on a new major bridge, it would seek the public’s opinion.
Multnomah County pretends to do that with the Burnside Bridge replacement.
But that pretense is fully fake.
The county made a big production out of seeking the opinions of 20-thousand citizens on which bridge design they prefer.
County commissioner Sharon Meieran crowed about how many people offered up their opinions: “Those are really incredible numbers compared to what one usually gets in surveys.”
It then promptly ignored those opinions and chose the option taxpayers ranked #4.
The elites on a County advisory committee even said the quiet part out loud: “It would take the public 30 hours to match our knowledge. Our recommendation is grounded in objective reasoning…whereas much of the public commentary (is) subjective opinion.”
Translation: we know better than you commoners.
Someone should inform Commissioner Meieran of the reason the public usually doesn’t show up to offer opinions: the government routinely ignores citizen opinions.
In other words, these so-called “public servants” really don’t think they serve the public at all and they don’t give a damn how you want your tax money spent.
The post Multnomah County Once Again Takes Things A Bridge Too Far Against Public Opinion appeared first on The Lars Larson Show.