Plans for Hemisfair Park curfew shelved by San Antonio City Council
SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — A city council vote to have a curfew at Hemisfair Park has been taken off the table.
During Thursday’s council meeting, members discussed whether or not the curfew would help cut down on crime in the park. But those who opposed the idea thought it would have a negative impact on tourism and businesses in the area.
Police Chief William McManus spoke against the curfew, saying public safety isn’t an issue in the area and limiting the hours people could be in the park wouldn’t decrease crime.
Other in opposition spoke about concerns they had regarding employees of area businesses who get out of work late and would have to walk through the park past curfew.
In the end, Mayor Ron Nirenberg and the council decided there wasn’t enough information to make a decision, and voted in favor of shelving the curfew idea, with the possibility of further discussion in the future.