Source: YouTube

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — Those horse-drawn carriage rides in Downtown San Antonio could soon be going the way of the Pony Express.

A city council committee has voted to have city staff come up with a plan to do away with the attractions within one to three years.

The unanimous vote comes following the results of an online survey seeking input on whether or not the carriage rides should be banned, kept as they are or moved to city parks.

Nearly 51,000 responses were tallied in the survey and in the end, 52% of those who took part supported banning the horse-drawn carriages.

The remaining votes were divided between keeping them, expanding them to areas away form downtown, or moving them to city parks.

But there are some concerns surrounding the survey.

A city spokeswoman tells KSAT 12 some of the votes came from the same IP addresses.

She goes on to say that the survey offers a “broad enough picture of how stakeholders feel about the proposal”.

The survey results will be discussed during a full city council meeting in October.


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