Remind Me Why We Need These People?
The most “progressive” city council in the history of San Antonio just did the following:
Voted to help millionaires build a new baseball park just west of downtown, with your dollars, in a city that still needs everything from cops to sidewalks to high-speed internet.
And voted to raze, with no replacement, hundreds of affordable apartment units on the site of the future ballpark.
Father Jimmy Drennan of COPS/Metro Alliance said on Axios: “What…makes San Antonio great—it will not be buildings….it will be in how we treat our people”.
Is he wrong?
Really, whatever you think of the ballpark idea itself, this week raises a simple question.
If progressives’ raison d’etre is defense of the little guy, opposition to corporatism, giving low-income people a voice…and this is what they do…
Why do we need them?
You could have had the same outcome with a council made up of C-of-C guys in Sansabelt slacks.
Why do we have to endure all their annoying, counter-productive and divisive virtue signaling?
The crowd that used to stand with Father Jimmy, and demand affordable housing, are now knocking it down.