Republicans Are The Only Ones Who Do This
In all the baseball games I’ve ever watched in my life, I’ve never seen the batter call the pitches—tell the guy on the mound what to throw to him.
In all the years I’ve watched politics, I’ve watched Republicans—repeatedly—take direction, advice and coaching from their sworn enemies in not only partisan political circles, but also in the media and culture at-large.
It was amazing, and amazingly insane, to watch grown men, having achieved leadership and power, grovel for the approval of an interviewer, or the editorial pages of hostile leftist newspapers. Praise this, denounce that, show your softer side.
We finally saw the peak idiocy of this when Democrats just came out in the open and spent about $60M promoting a dozen fringy, fragile GOP primary contenders, get six of them nominated and then demolish them all in the general elections. In full view.
Since it worked, and keeps working, expect more of it.
In fact, this time it might even lead to them cheering on Donald Trump, of all people.
How to explain the new narrative, in which Ron DeSantis is described as “worse than Trump”, by people who five minutes earlier couldn’t find the pejoratives strong enough for the Donald. How could anything be worse than the worst president ever???
Nevermind, just trust us, they intone, DeSantis is.
Remember all the free media they gave Donald Trump in 2015-6, estimated in the billions? Remember the TV news exec who gloated, “It might not be good for the country, but it’s good for us (his network)?” To them, he’s a hit show.
Mark my words, before this next cycle is over, some of them will be telling you he’s a better choice for Republicans.
If I were advising the GOP, and I’m not, but if I did, I would start with this premise: be wary of giving your adversaries what they seem to want, and never, ever do what your adversaries “suggest” or “advise”.
I mean, who else but Republicans would?