Send Santa your Christmas wishlist with help from USPS

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — USPS Operation Santa is in full swing and it’s not too late to send your Christmas list to the North Pole.

The letters with wishlists that arrive at Santa’s workshop are shared and may be adopted by generous, anonymous elves.

Letters need to be postmarked by Dec. 10 to be considered for the adoption program.

The instructions by USPS are simple: Write a physical letter to Santa, put it in an envelope, include a complete return address —
full name, street address, apartment number, city, state and ZIP Code — add a postage stamp and put it in the mail.

Letters must be addressed to Santa Claus, 123 Elf Road, North Pole 88888.

Officials said that letters should include specific information, including sizes, styles and colors for clothes and shows, titles of books and names of toys to make it easter for letter adopters to fulfill wishes.

Letter adoptions opened this week. More information on how to adopt a letter can be found here.

USPS has been making Christmas wishes come true through Operation Santa for 109 years.

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