State historical commission delays decision on Alamo Cenotaph relocation

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — The Texas Historical Commission is going to wait longer on making a decision on the City of San Antonio’s wish to move the Alamo Cenotaph.

The commission asked the applicants to return to its March meeting with more information about its rationale for moving the Cenotaph, its restoration work, possible alternate sites and a timeline for the first phase of the entire Alamo project.

The city is looking to dismantle, restore and move the Cenotaph closer to Crockett Street.

“This delay will allow the applicants time to gather this information, which will allow our commission to make the most informed decision,” said Nau. “The commission will meet in 2 months to consider this, so there should not be an appreciable delay for the project.”

The commission said Tuesday that it approved to other project permits relating to archaeological work and studies on the Alamo site.

The commissions meets again March 24th and 25th in Plano.

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