Tax free holiday for back to school supplies in Texas starts Friday, runs through midnight Sunday
SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — For many parents of school age children, it’s the most wonderful time of the year.
The first bell of the new school year is about to ring and to help save Texas residents save some cash on back to school supplies, the state is holding its annual tax-free holiday weekend.
Beginning Friday, August 9 and running through midnight Sunday, August 11, school supplies are tax free.
This includes any supplies and backpacks sold for less than 100 dollars are exempt from sales tax.
Most clothing and footwear are tax exempt as well.
You can save on sales tax whether you make your purchases in person or online.
Any shipping fees are included in the final price of your online purchases.
You can find a list of items that are eligible and items that are not at the Texas Comptroller’s website, just click on this link.