Trey Ware: Not Here – Not Now – Not Ever

The Texas City School District near Houston is in the process of implementing some of the toughest security measures in the country.

Superintendent Rodney Cavness says, “We’re not playing around. This isn’t some kind of game to us.” He said he believes we are living in a “sick” society with “some very deeply troubled people out there who want to do harm to kids and to campuses and to teachers, and we’re not going to let that happen.”

The superintendent created a new security position as Texas City voters approved a $6.5 million bond for security measures.

The district then hired a 12-year veteran of the Secret Service, Mike Matranga, to oversee the development of a safety plan.

The plan includes students and staff wearing radio frequency ID cards so their whereabouts are always known. The glass doors have been lined with special impact resistant film, and every deputy has been assigned an AR-15, which is locked away in a safe.

Matranga says, “I’m a firm believer that we fight firepower with superior firepower.”


The other thing they are doing is communicating these enhanced security measures publically. The best defense is to make sure the enemy knows you have the firepower, and you aren’t afraid to use it to protect your assets, (the children).

The Texas City school district is saying loud and clear, Not here -Not now – Not ever.

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