Wolff shares possible retirement plans

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — After more than 50 years in public service, Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff offered some insight into what is on the docket for post-retirement life.

Wolff speculated about his next move after delivering one of his last State of the County addresses to the North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce downtown Wednesday afternoon.

The Judge mentioned that he has had a number of people push him towards lobbying, but said he has no interest. Instead, he has plans to teach.

“It is intriguing to think about lecturing,” Wolff said Wednesday, joking that it won’t pay much. “But’s that’s okay, money is not everything in life. Thank God.”

Wolff announced in October that he would not be running for re-election.

Trish DeBerry is the Republican candidate on the ballot for the general election in November.

The Democratic side of the ballot will be determined next week when Bexar County residents head to the polls in the joint runoff election. Former Bexar County Administrative Judge Peter Sakai and State Rep. Ina Minjarez are on the May 24 runoff ballot.

Sakai took 40.75% of the vote and Minjarez took 30.67% in the four-person Democratic primary on March 1.

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