Who Wants This Fight?

It’s a 2023 thing, having to explain stuff like this.

I have nothing against anyone who identifies as or feels like they are the sex opposite their biological assignment. I might wonder at what underlies it, but it’s none of my business…

…Until they make it so.

I can’t read your mind. I can’t always tell, despite how OBVIOUS you think you are. If you clue me in, I will be respectful.

There’s a thing now where transgenders are making TikToks and posts outing everyone from TSA agents and waiters, to coworkers, to their students for “misgendering” them. Angry, tearful bitter denunciations. Sometimes calling for firings.

It would be a lot easier if we could stop this—demanding that everyone around you change so that you feel better about yourself, performing ritualistic victimhood.

If this were really about tolerance, there wouldn’t be so many videos complaining about how awful the rest of us are.

I like the expression “live and let live” and try to practice it.

What we’re getting instead is an aggressive cult with ever changing demands, a list of targets and the recruitment or displacement of children.

Until transgenderism became activism, I never thought much about it, just none of my business. I wished (and still do wish) them every happiness. Every one of us has something we have struggled with, or are struggling with.

I think most of us felt that way.

The activists, few in number, are picking a fight, on behalf of a lot of transgender people who didn’t get to vote for that fight, and with a lot of people who weren’t looking for a fight.

Who benefits?

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