Man arrested for flinging animal feces in Fair Oaks Ranch

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — After a months-long investigation, it’s finally hit the fan for a Fair Oaks Ranch man.

The messy mystery began in October of last year when police were told that someone had been dumping bags of animal feces and cat litter along Dietz Elkhorn Road.

Surveillance camera caught images of a man dumping bags of droppings and they were able to track him down to a home in a nearby subdivision.

Then on July 20, officers caught 71 year old Donald Erwin Schwartz pitching two big bags of poop out of
the window of his vehicle.

He was brought to the Bexar County Jail and charged with illegal dumping.

Police believe Schwartz is responsible for flinging hundreds of pounds of feces.

He’s been released on $1,000 bond and police believe he will face additional charges once they’ve finished their investigation.

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