SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — The city of San Antonio is offering a free roof repair program for qualifying residents.

A lot of homes have been damaged by a recent series of storms that have pounded the region.

High winds, heavy rain and hail have taken a toll on roofs across the city.

City Councilman Roberto Trevino says you could qualify for free help through  the Under 1 Roof Program.

“Nobody should have to live with a leaky, damaged roof. Apply today, and let’s keep building together to improve the quality of life for the entire city.”

To qualify you have to live in the city of San Antonio and are over the age of 65, a veteran, differently-abled, or low-income.

If you meet the criteria, the city will set you up with a free roof for your home.

You can learn more about Under 1 Roof by contacting the Neighborhood and Housing Services Department at (210) 210-207-6459.  You can also follow this link.

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