There’s A Show Every Day

The eclipse was way more amusing that I had expected.

Hearing the “journalism” on TV, the tears and exhalations of joy, pronouncements that we are “just a speck in the universe” and so forth. At times, the eclipse was likened to being at a rave, to being at a concert, and to…sunset.

You do realize, right, that there’s a show every day?

Every day, the sun, the moon, the constellations, and yes, the amazing Earth…every day is an awe-inspiring exhibition of God, of creation, and, yes, of our insignificance to its eternal pageant. Every day, our planet, atmosphere, and universe are full of beauty, truth and power.

Maybe worth remembering when we think that changing our cars or our water bottles will somehow “save” all of it. Or when hearing endless predictions of how we’re going to kill it. Today, albeit awkwardly, came the closest to people realizing that we may be stewards of all this, but we are very inconsequential, too.

We are not God, but God is God, and every day there is a show.

I wonder how different we would be if we were as humble and grateful as people sounded today?

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