It’s deer mating season–don’t meet a deer by accident!

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — According to Vision Zero, part of the San Antonio Transportation Department, San Antonio is the top city in the United States with the highest concentration of collisions between vehicles and animals.

Right now through December is peak mating season for deer.

Drivers are urged to be extra cautious when driving in areas where deer are rutting and chasing after potential mates.

“This heightened deer activity in the next several weeks significantly increases the risk of vehicle-deer collisions, posing a danger to drivers – especially motorcyclists,” said Sean Beauvais, Vision Zero Program Manager.

Vision Zero has come up with a number of tips to keep you safe when driving with excited deer around:

  • Be Alert: Stay vigilant, particularly during dawn and dusk when deer are most active. Use your high beams when possible to increase visibility.
  • Reduce Speed: Slow down, especially in areas with known deer populations. Reducing your speed will give you more time to react if a deer suddenly crosses the road.
  • Stay in Your Lane: If you see a deer on the road, don’t swerve to avoid it. Swerving can lead to more dangerous accidents. Apply the brakes steadily and honk your horn to scare the deer away.
  • Watch for Others: Deer are often found in groups. If you see one deer, expect more to follow.
  • Use Deer Whistles: Consider using deer whistles on your vehicle. These small devices emit a sound that can alert deer to your presence.
  • Stay Informed: Pay attention to road signs and warnings, especially in areas with high deer populations. Some areas may have designated wildlife crossings.

Vision Zero also says these tips are good for cyclists and people on foot to avoid rutting deer in their pursuit of a mate.

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