San Antonio city council to reconsider Chick-fil-A airport vote

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — San Antonio city councilman Greg Brockhouse gave notice that he plans to motion to amend the airport concessions agreement that was originally approved with an amendment to explicitly exclude chicken chain Chick-fil-A from San Antonio International Airport.

The council will reconsider the matter at its next city council meeting on April 18th.

“Every day the Chick-fil-A removal decision is allowed to stand hurts our reputation nationwide as a welcoming and inclusive city. It sends a message we are anti-faith and we cannot stand by without speaking the truth and standing up for our principles,” Brockhouse said.  “The removal of Chick-fil-A has embarrassed San Antonio. It does not reflect who we are as a community. We have a chance to correct this mistake by reinstating Chick-fil-A and sending a message that we are open for all, open for faith and open for business.”

The city council voted last month to approve a new airport concessions deal with Chick-fil-A excluded because of the company’s donating practices.

The reason originally given for banning Chick-fil-A from Councilman Roberto Trevino was using the city’s nondiscrimination ordinance to protect the LGBTQ+ community.

Mayor Ron Nirenberg later stated the reason for blocking the chicken chain was because it would not operate on Sundays.

The 6-to-4 vote drew immediate blowback and national attention.  Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has threatened to investigate the decision and has asked the U.S. Department of Transportation to conduct its own investigation to see if the decision itself was religious discrimination.

A final vote on the matter could happen May 2nd.

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