Trey Ware: Honoring Those Who Make Dreams Possible

As a young boy roaming the halls of KTSA, KITE, and KBUC all I ever thought about was being on the radio. Growing up I had an inside view of the men and women who made radio work, and I couldn’t wait for my opportunity to join them.

To me radio has always been about being a friend, someone who lifts people up – a connection to information that impacts lives such as news, dangerous weather conditions, or traffic messes to avoid. I wanted to be that friend, and more specifically, I wanted to be that friend every morning on KTSA.

My dreams have come true as I have been blessed to do the morning show on KTSA for more than 20 years.

My red, white, and blue dad drilled into my head that our country offered the chance for each of us to become who we want to be because others sacrifice everything to secure our sacred liberties.

I believe the men and women of the United States military pave the way and open doors for all of us. Without their dedication to service, and their many selfless sacrifices we would not have the opportunities we have today.

To that end, 15 years ago I decided we needed to find a way to say “thank you” to all men and women in uniform, and the Trey Ware Troop Breakfast was born.

Thanks to the hard work of my executive producer, Elaine Rodriguez, and Robert Flemming of Magnolia Pancake Haus, our troop breakfast is the official kick-off event to KTSA’s Operation Interdependence.

Please join us tomorrow morning in the Alamo Lounge at KTSA on Eisenhauer Road beginning at 6:30am for free breakfast as we honor those who have made it possible for all of us to chase after our dreams.

Everyone, not just those in the military, is welcome. Please bring whomever you like, especially your kiddos. Who knows, he or she may want to be the next KTSA morning friend, and they can say “thank you” to those who are making their dream possible.

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